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Carpet Removal

Worry Free

Carpet Removal Services

We Remove All Residential, and Commercial Carpet


Carpet can be difficult to remove. Some carpet will peel away easily, but other types take more work. Without the proper equipment, trying to get rid of it yourself can cause damage and delays. Clean Site is an experienced premier flooring removal company.  Our crews can make it easy for you to get rid of your old carpeting and have new flooring installed.

Our Service Will Save You Time and Money

We are about 10 times faster than manual labor methods using hand tools. Our flooring removal specialists are the best trained in the industry and we never work with middle men or subcontractors. Our industrial grade machines are battery operated, and electric powered.  Environmentally safe chemical-free that safely removes any carpet flooring. 

Carpet Removal Jobs From 100 to 10,000 sq. ft  Call 800-593-4090

Why Hire A Carpet Removal Contractor

Tearing up flooring is a messy process.  Frankly, its  a pain to do it manually. It is difficult to pry off the flooring from the subfloor because the substance that holds them together is like cement, and you don’t want to ruin your subfloor. There’s also concerns with dusts, allergens and mold that might be in your padding or nails, staples, or adhesives are difficult to deal with.

Clean Site Sacramento Flooring Removal has advanced equipment to remove carpet, tile floors, vinyl flooring, stone, hardwood floors and any type of flooring adhesive or glue. We use our own custom-made aluminum ramps that allow us to get our equipment inside without damaging your home or business. 

Our best reviews come from homeowners who were replacing their own flooring and used us to do the removal and disposal. They appreciate our expertise in removing sticky adhesives, glue and thin-set products and how it translates into significant time and labor savings. When we are done we will remove all the flooring, sub floor material and haul it away.

Benefits of CleanSite Carpet Removal

  • We do the heavy lifting
  • We use quality flooring removal equipment
  • Lower costs when compared to manual removal
  • Fast results and install ready floors
  • Residential and commercial flooring removal
  • Hauling and dumping of flooring debris
  • We dispose of flooring at a recycling facility
  • We are a licensed and insured flooring removal service

Flooring Removal At Work 

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We are Licensed, Bonded and Insured.
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